Blockchain snapshots
Download blockchains state in order to set up a validator node or RPC. See nearcore for more information on node requirements and usage.
Also, visit for comprehensive details.
MD5 hash verification will be available shortly.
(Certainly by end of year, 2024)
and paste the code below.nano
Make executable
chmod +ux
Run (shows use of local destination path)
DATA_PATH=~/mainnet-snap ./
Shell script
set -e # The script downloads the latest RPC snapshot from the FASTNEAR snapshot server. # It uses rclone for parallel downloads and retries failed downloads. # # Instructions: # - Make sure you have rclone installed, e.g. using `apt install rclone` # - Set $DATA_PATH to the path where you want to download the snapshot (default: /root/.near/data) # - Set $THREADS to the number of threads you want to use for downloading (default: 16). if ! command -v rclone &> /dev/null then echo "rclone is not installed. Please install it and try again." exit 1 fi HTTP_URL="" PREFIX="mainnet/rpc" : "${THREADS:=16}" : "${DATA_PATH:=/root/.near/data}" main() { mkdir -p "$DATA_PATH" LATEST=$(curl -s "$HTTP_URL/$PREFIX/latest.txt") echo "Latest snapshot block: $LATEST" FILES_PATH="/tmp/files.txt" curl -s "$HTTP_URL/$PREFIX/$LATEST/files.txt" -o $FILES_PATH EXPECTED_NUM_FILES=$(wc -l < $FILES_PATH) echo "Downloading $EXPECTED_NUM_FILES files with $THREADS threads" rclone copy \ --no-traverse \ --http-no-head \ --transfers $THREADS \ --checkers $THREADS \ --buffer-size 128M \ --http-url $HTTP_URL \ --files-from=$FILES_PATH \ --retries 10 \ --retries-sleep 1s \ --low-level-retries 10 \ --progress \ :http:$PREFIX/$LATEST/ $DATA_PATH ACTUAL_NUM_FILES=$(find $DATA_PATH -type f | wc -l) echo "Downloaded $ACTUAL_NUM_FILES files, expected $EXPECTED_NUM_FILES" if [[ $ACTUAL_NUM_FILES -ne $EXPECTED_NUM_FILES ]]; then echo "Error: Downloaded files count mismatch" exit 1 fi } main "$@"
and paste the code below.nano
Make executable
chmod +ux
Run (shows use of local destination path)
DATA_PATH=~/testnet-snap ./
Shell script
set -e # The script downloads the latest RPC snapshot from the FASTNEAR snapshot server. # It uses rclone for parallel downloads and retries failed downloads. # # Instructions: # - Make sure you have rclone installed, e.g. using `apt install rclone` # - Set $DATA_PATH to the path where you want to download the snapshot (default: /root/.near/data) # - Set $THREADS to the number of threads you want to use for downloading (default: 16). if ! command -v rclone &> /dev/null then echo "rclone is not installed. Please install it and try again." exit 1 fi HTTP_URL="" PREFIX="testnet/rpc" : "${THREADS:=16}" : "${DATA_PATH:=/root/.near/data}" main() { mkdir -p "$DATA_PATH" LATEST=$(curl -s "$HTTP_URL/$PREFIX/latest.txt") echo "Latest snapshot block: $LATEST" FILES_PATH="/tmp/files.txt" curl -s "$HTTP_URL/$PREFIX/$LATEST/files.txt" -o $FILES_PATH EXPECTED_NUM_FILES=$(wc -l < $FILES_PATH) echo "Downloading $EXPECTED_NUM_FILES files with $THREADS threads" rclone copy \ --no-traverse \ --http-no-head \ --transfers $THREADS \ --checkers $THREADS \ --buffer-size 128M \ --http-url $HTTP_URL \ --files-from=$FILES_PATH \ --retries 10 \ --retries-sleep 1s \ --low-level-retries 10 \ --progress \ :http:$PREFIX/$LATEST/ $DATA_PATH ACTUAL_NUM_FILES=$(find $DATA_PATH -type f | wc -l) echo "Downloaded $ACTUAL_NUM_FILES files, expected $EXPECTED_NUM_FILES" if [[ $ACTUAL_NUM_FILES -ne $EXPECTED_NUM_FILES ]]; then echo "Error: Downloaded files count mismatch" exit 1 fi } main "$@"